Working with a personal run coach rather than just following a generic plan can allow the opportunity for any athlete (yes that's you) to achieve more than originally thought. A program that adapts to your daily/weekly life schedule, that works on your weakness and plays to your strengths can provide a specific and progressive training experience.
Improvement in running ability comes through consistent training with specific focus on the athlete goals. Training with the team at The Active Foot Co will be all about getting you to your targets as effortless as possible. (Hard work is also included!)
Our coaches come from various levels of experience and knowledge. Including sport science degree, foot mechanics, athletics coaches and ultra distance racers. We have worked with runners from 800m up to 100 milers.
Our programs run on a monthly basis, updating your online planner each fortnight. The athletes we work with benefit from
- Run technique sessions
- Weekly contact with own coach
- S & C schedules
- Nutrition advice
- Access to Pilates sessions
- If required, top class physiotherapy and sports massage services.
- Free access to Final Surge training app
Monthly program fee are £85.00