Experience an extensive analysis of your unique running technique with our 60-minute 3D Motion Metrix Gait and Technique Analysis Session. Our advanced depth camera system will break down your running into specific elements, providing insights on efficient movement, potential injury areas, and techniques for improvement. Our expert coaching and technician team will review your results and discuss them in relation to your goals and concerns. You will also receive an emailed copy of your session report. This comprehensive session delves deep into your running form, including cadence rate, impact impact, stride length, hip/pelvis rotation, energy efficiency, forward lean angles, and more. This session is perfect for runners looking to improve their technique, posture, and racing goals, as well as providing valuable data for therapists addressing running injuries.
Looking for 'fatigue testing'? Want to know how you move when already under stress? Contact the team about a session specific for testing you this level.
Please note.
This is not an injury identifying session, please chat with a physio for that level of service. The minimum speed required to run for is 9kpm (approx 30 minutes for a 5k pace). If you are not able to maintain this pace, please contact the team at the store before booking.